2023 Whispering Pines Fireworks on the Range Consumer Fireworks Setup & Show

Just a quick video of all the fireworks loaded in the trailer for storage and transport prior to the show

The fireworks are now set on the field and ready to light. I walk through the setup and talk a little about safety during the show as well.

And we are lighting the fuse!

After all the hard work of fusing the show and setting it up, now it's time to sit back and enjoy. This is part one as we get started. I wanted to get everyone's attention right at the start, so I put up 12 shells with tails and used a zipper cake (Golden Peacock) to get everyone excited!

Here is the rest of the show! We did have an ember drop on one of the fuses about half way through causing a pre-ignite of two platforms. Made for some pretty busy sky for about 10 minutes. All in all, looked great and turned out to be a great show.

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